Friday, September 28, 2012

Ryan's 16th Birthday!

Yesterday was Ryan's 16th Birthday.  He asked me the night before to not wake him up and sing "Happy Birthday" to him, but my reply was that it is a mother's right to sing "Happy Birthday" to her child and I got the big eye roll.  Well, in the morning, I did not sing to him, but asked him for a Birthday hug instead.  At first, he didn't even want me to do that, but then I reminded him I could always just start busting out the tunes and boy his arms were around me in no time. I had to finish it off with a kiss on the cheek.

That afternoon, I left work at 2:00 PM and picked up Brandon. We went to Wal-Mart to buy Ryan a 39 inch television.  My parents, Luther's parents, Lindsay, Brandon, Clay and Colleen all pitched in for the t.v. and Luther and I paid the balance.  We put it in my back seat with a blanket over it and Ryan had no clue.

At 7:00 PM, we had everyone over to our house for ice cream cake.  Ryan picked out Cookies and Cream.  It was from Cold Stone Creamery and it was yummy! We ALL sang "Happy Birthday" to him before we cut the cake. I won! I got my Birthday hug and got to sing. We had him open all his cards and then made him close his eyes while Luther and Brandon went out to the car and carried his t.v. inside.  He was very surprised and loved it!  Honey and Papa told him they were giving him Papa's old white truck.  At first he didn't believe them, but then he was shocked and happy.

I think his 16th Birthday turned out really great! I just wish he wasn't growing up so fast!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Anniversary Weekend

Today is Luther and my 17th wedding anniversary.  We started out the weekend Friday evening by going to the CSHS football game.  It was so bad, we lost 42-0.  The team we played had 23 returning seniors and they were huge.  Our guys tried to hang, but it was hard to watch. I felt sorry for them.  It was no match for our poor freshman and sophomores.  

Saturday, Luther and I spent the afternoon looking for Ryan's birthday present.  He turns 16 on Thursday.  We spent the evening at home hanging out and watching the Aggies win 70-14. Luther made some awesome chicken tacos.

Today we hung out watching the red zone and checking our fantasy football teams. I might actually pull off a win this week.  Luther took Ryan to the gym to work on some wrestling and when he got back he helped me finish my latest pinterest project.  I made decorative upholstered panels for the wall. I sure do love pinterest and the great ideas!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wrestling Parents Meeting

Last night, Ryan and I went to a parent wrestling meeting at his school.  Luther could not go with us because he had a training class to attend at work.   The meeting went really well and I really like his coach.  It looks like there will be a lot of boys on the team and it should be an exciting year.  I am so excited and can't wait for the season to start in November!  Go Cougars!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Front Door "wreath"

Today I was inspired to do my front door "wreath" that I have been planning on doing for months.  It turned out really cute.  I made a monogram O because I wanted something I could keep up all year, except Christmas, of course!  I have some other things O will be adding that are going to make it even more awesome. Guess, you will just have to wait and see.

Aggies and the SEC

Today was the Ags first game in the SEC. We played the Florida gators.  This town has been crazy since yesterday with excitement.  The Aggies have been tight lipped about the team, so everyone has been so anxious to see what the new team would do under Kevin Sumlin.  The first half was exciting and the Aggies played awesome.  We left the first half with the lead. Dunt, dunt, dunnnnn.  Next it was time for the second half and in true Aggie fashion, we lost our lead and the game.  Same ole Same ole.  Oh well, there's always next year..haha!

Friday, September 7, 2012


I have had no motivation to loose weight for the past month or so.  To date, I have lost 27 pounds and I have been continuing to watch what I eat so I have not gained any back.  I am determined not to gain any back that I have already lost because it is so freaking hard to loose weight.  I'm not sure how I can get myself motivated to get going again, maybe when the weather gets cooler I can start exercising more.  I am extremely happy that I have been able to maintain my 27 pound loss and not have to redo what I have already done, but at the same time I want to dig deep in my soul and get started again. Only time will tell!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

This past weekend, we had several visitors in our house.  First, Raven came to spend the night with us on Saturday, while Lindsay and Brandon spent the night in Houston.  She did really well and behaved herself.  Bristol was not too thrilled to have her there, but it went well.  Next, my parents came down from Plano to visit.  They got here Saturday evening and we went out to dinner at The Feed Barn with Luther Sr. and Mary Anne.  We had a great time eating and visiting.  We first met at Buffalo Wild Wings, but for some reason they were packed with an hour wait time.  Luther's Dad suggested The Feed Barn and it turned out great because there was no wait and it was not crowded at all.

Sunday morning, my Mom went with Luther and me to pick up groceries.  Our house was bare, so we had to go shopping.  We bought a pork roast and Luther seasoned it and put it in the crock pot with BBQ sauce for dinner.  It turned out really good.  We had BBQ sandwiches and I baked some french fries to go with the sandwiches.  Sunday, we mainly hung out at the house and watched some movies. My Dad had never seen Moneyball, so we watched that and Luther rented We Bought a Zoo.  I loved that movie, it was so cute.

Monday, Luther and I took off work, but Ryan still had to go to school.  Luther dropped Ryan off in the morning and then we went to breakfast with my parents at Cracker Barrel.  They left from the restaurant to go home and we ran to the mall to try to find a replacement part for Ryan's Xbox headset.  After that we just basically hung out for the rest of the day until it was time for Ryan to go to MMA.  I finished some laundry left from Saturday morning.

We had a nice weekend and it was nice to be off with Luther on Monday.