Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Well, here it is Super Sunday. It's the Giants and the Patriots...ewww.  I really don't care for either team, but I will enjoy the food and halftime show and let's not forget those ever anticipated commercials. It's funny because the other night a commercial came on during American Idol about SBS and they mentioned Madonna.  I asked Ryan if he knew who Madonna was and he said "no".  Really??? Then Luther and I proceeded to educate him on how Madonna was an icon.  It was weird, but then I thought about it, she has been out of the music scene for quite a while now unlike other icons that make new stuff each decade.   Then we had to look up her age and prove to him she was older than me.  He just could not believe that. It was kind of funny his reaction.

Yesterday was Ryan's last wrestling matches for the season.  We spent the day at Killeen Shomaker High School.  Ryan's first match was first.  How crazy is that out of all the possible matches and kids he went first.  Wrestling is unlike any other sport, you can never figure out who goes when because they change up the order almost every time. It's crazy! Consol had a good showing for our district yesterday, Evan finished 1st, Jacob, Jacob, Wes and Andrew finished 2nd and Logan finished 3rd in their weight classes.  They will go to regionals next week, but the rest of the guys are finished for the year.  Ryan's record for the year was 6-12 and his coach said that was really good for a freshman on Varsity.  We are so proud of him! Keep in mind Ryan has never wrestled in his life until this past November and has been going up against some kids who have done it all their lives.  His coach was especially proud of him for not giving up and not quitting.  Way to go son!  Next year will be different, he will have some experience under his belt and the rest of off season to learn even more.  

Just to prove how much he has improved, the last boy he wrestled yesterday, he wrestled last month.  That boy pinned him in about 30 seconds.  Yesterday, Ryan lasted almost 2 periods with that same boy. How sweet is that?

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